

Over 90 Candidates Reported For Rowing Yesterday Afternoon.

All men desiring to compete for the positions of dormitory crew manager will report Monday at the Newell Boat House at 3.30 o'clock. The competition is open to all men of the class of 1921, and will last about four weeks, at the ned of which time three men will be chosen, one to manage the crew of each dormitory in the fall regatta. The manager of the winning crew will receive a medal or cup.

This is an exceptional opportunity for those men to get experience who wish to compete for the positions of manager and assistant manager of the 1921 Freshman crew next spring. The work of the competition will consist of odd jobs at the boat house, running the steam and motor launches, and a small amount of clerical work. All tasks will be apportioned so that they will not conflict with military or other courses.

The crew candidates were increased to 90 men yesterday, the increase being for the most part in the Freshman crews. The upper-class men were divided into four crews, all of which went out on the river with Coach Haines. There were six Freshman crews, which spent about ten minutes apiece on the machines with Jack Manning. The Freshmen will probably launch their shells by the latter part of next week. Until then the men will be taught the rudiments of rowing.

More men are still needed, especially coxes. Everybody who reports will be given a chance to row with a crew on the river for the rest of the season as there are to be no cuts in the squad.
