


The enrolment of men in the two military courses jumped yesterday from 459 to 578, an increase of over 25 per cent. It is the hope and intention of the military and University authorities to enroll at least 200 more men before the enlistment period closes next Monday, and in order to accomplish this, recruiting, teams have been appointed and organized to effect a thorough canvass of the University. Every man in the College, and also those in the Graduate Schools and the Law School, will be approached personally by one of the members of the committee within the next few days.

The recruiting committee has been divided into the following four teams:

Team 1: F. Parkman '19, Captain; F. K. Bullard '20, E. R. Gay '19, C. A. Moss '19, R. W. Peet uC, D. C. Seager '20, H. L. Whitney '20.

Team 2: G. A. Brownell '19, Captain; A. E. Angier '20, J. G. Coolidge '20, R. E. Gross '19, W. J. Louderback '20, A. R. Nelson '19, M. A. Shattuck '19, G. L. Wrenn '20.

Team 3: O. C. Wood '20, Captain; Y. C. Bouclay '19, F. W. Hatch '19, E. A. McCouch '20, W. R. Odell '19, J. H. Quinn '19, A. Perkins '19.


Team 4: L. A. Wheeler '18, Captain; A. H. Bright '19, B. H. B. Damon '20, C. Mellen '20, J. Otis '20, F. M. Warburg '19, D. B. Hall '19.

The organization of the companies and the appointment of cadet commissioned and non-commisioned officers is being rapidly arranged by the Undergraduate Military Committee composed of last year's captains in conjunction with the Faculty Military Committee. Following the principle in force last year permanent company commanders, first sergeants and supply sergeants will be appointed; the lieutenants, remaining ser geants, and corporals will be changed fortnightly. Both military courses will drill together, but the men of the advanced course will be evenly distributed among the companies in order to provide better instruction for the new men. The company lists will be posted by Monday.

There will be two hours for drill--7:30 to 8:30 in the morning and 4:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon. A company will be assigned one or the other of these hours for all its practical work throughout the week. It is essential that those men preferring the 7:30 hour report this fact to the military office in University Hall today between 9 and 5 o'clock. Unless this is done no preference can be given.

Lists of the sections to which members of Military Science I have been allotted are printed elsewhere in today's CRIMSON. It will be necessary for Freshman who are arranging their English a sections this morning to note carefully the section assigned to them on these lists in order to avoid conflicts.

The University has on hand complete equipment for 800 men, and, except for a few articles, enough material to equip a regiment. Some of this property will be issued to the companies within the next few weeks. New uniforms will be later furnished by the Government. It will be of interest to men of last year's corps to learn that slings are to be issued with the Krag Jorgenson Rifles this fall
