


The annual canvass for funds carried on every fall by Phillips Brooks House will start today under a system different from that ever before employed. It is the aim of those in charge of the collection to obtain $5,000, and to secure this sum three teams have been selected from the Sophomore and Junior classes, the members of which have been assigned to various dormitories. There will be a contest between these teams to collect the most money and reports will be printed in the CRIMSON from day today recording the status of the collectors.

The idea embodied in this plan is similar to the scheme used in New York City the past summer to raise financial support for the Red Cross. When the University has been thoroughly canvassed, the winning team will be declared and its captain made assistant treasurer of the Phillips Brooks House Association.

The funds subscribed in this way will be devoted to the local charitable work carried on yearly by the Phillips Brooks House. Among the various branches of this service are included the maintenance of a Text Book Loan Library, the encouragement of religious meetings under the auspices of the societies in the University devoted to that purpose, the support of an information bureau for new students, the publishing of an annual handbook, the furthering of Boy's Clubs in the poorer districts of Boston, and the provision of teaching staffs for Prospect Union, the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. and other social centres. The extent of these social service activities is proportionate to the support given by the student body of the University.

In addition to the three teams from 1919 and 1920 a fourth has been appointed to solicit subscriptions from the Senior Dormitories. The leaders of the four groups of collectors together with the territory they are to cover, are as follows: F. E. Parkman '19'--Smith Halls, Claverly Hall, Senior House, Drayton Hall, Weld Hall, Beck Hall, and Holyoke and Mt. Auburn Streets: R. L. Gross '19--Standish Hall. Westmorly Court, Fairfax Hall, Plympton Street, Matthews Hall, 9 Bow Street and Dun- ster Hall; G. A. Brownell '19--Gore Hall. Apthorp House, Randolph Hall, Dana Chambers, Russell Hall, Russell Annex, Grays Hall, and Holyoke House; F. E. Parker '18--Senior Dormitories.

The members of the four teams are as follows:


Captain Parkman A. L. Benjamin '20, C. F. Batchelder '20, E. A. McCough '20, J. Otis '20, R. B. Quintana '20, S. Paine, '20, R. Saltonstall '20, O. C. Wood '20, H. E. Whitney '20, and C. E. Works '20.

Captain Gross--A. Aspinwall '20, F. K. Bullard '20, F. C. Church '20, D. C. Hawkins '20, R. W. Harwood '20, J. S. Higgins '20, J. B. Read '20, H. A. Roberts '20, R. G. Stone '20, and R. Tuckerman '20.

Captain Brownell--G. C. Barclay '19, W. P. Belknap '20, J. G. Coolidge '20, C. H. Corning '20, E. A. Hill '19, A. L. Putnam '20, P. Shepley '20, A. F. Tribble '19, D. L. Withington '20, and D. H. Worral '20.

Captain Parker--W. S. Burrage '18, D. L. Richardson '18, M. L. Shattuck '19, and W. B. Snow '18
