

Candidates for Business Manager Report Tomorrow Evening.

All candidates for the editorial and art departments of the Lampoon are to report at the Lampoon Building tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. There are many vacancies owing to the fact that the entire editorial board, with the exception of E. A. Bacon '20, is now actively engaged in some branch of national service. R. E. Sharwood '18, President, has enlisted in the Candian Kilties. J. Lavalle '18, Ibis, is with the flying squadron in France.

Lampoon business candidates are to be called out from the classes of 1920 and 1921 at seven o'clock on the evening of October 9. This is the first time that Sophomores have ever had the opportunity to compete for the business department. This departure is due to the depletion of the staff by members leaving College to entier the army and Navy. Although freshmen will also compete at this time, their competition will be run entirely separately.

One thousand copies of each issue will be given to the Red Cross, and thereby distributed to the fighting forces at the front. Following the example of many of the leading American publications, the Lampoon is asking each subscriber to forward his copy to the soldiers and sailors. Moreover, a one-cent stamp is placed on each number before distribution, so that the reader has only to drop his copy in a mail-box to be sure that it will reach the military forces.
