(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
During this week gifts are being made all-over the country toward a million fund which is to insure the provision of well equipped libraries in all the cantonments and training camps in this country, and the furnishing of books to American troops in the field and to the sick and wounded in hospitals.
This affects the daily welfare of over two thousand Harvard men now in service. Will not Harvard men here in Cambridge give liberally with this in mind? The American Library Association has the management of all the work; sites are already set aside for the buildings, and the architects' plans are complete so that work can begin the moment the money is in hand.
Mr. W. B. Briggs, whose face is familiar to most of us in the delivery room here, is now in France on Leave of absence. He is in the service of the Y. M. C. A., and he is also the representative in France of the American Library Association, so that he will probably direct the supply and distribution of books there.
Money for this purpose may be left atg the College Library with Mr. Yapp in the Delivery Room, Mr. Mahady in the Reading Room, or Mrs. Milner in the Farnsworth Room, or it may be left at any of the Cambridge backs. The professors are contributing generously. Will not the students do the same, so the a good round sum may be Harvard's gift? This week is the time to give. WILLIAM C. LANE, LIBRARIAN.
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