The CRIMSON fall news competition will start this evening when all candidates will report at the CRIMSON Building at 7 o'clock. The competition is open to members of the class of 1920 only and will consist of gathering news of all the University activities and writing it up in the correct style for publication. Candidates for the news staff come into close touch with the important branches of the University and the men interested in its varied activities and thus obtain a complete and detailed knowledge of the college. The detailed work of the competition will be outlined when the candidates report tonight.
Members of the Junior class will be given a chance to make the CRIMSON Board when candidates for the editorial staff are called out Friday evening at 7 o'clock. This competition will be open only to the class of 1919. The requirements will be the ability to write clearly and in an original manner on topics of importance and interest to the University. The successful competitors will be chosen because of their ideas as well date's report tonight at the CRIMSON Office. The competition will last about 12 weeks, concluding in January, a few weeks after the Christmas vacation.
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