

Qualification Examinations Only For Appointment in 1920 Will Be Held.

Owing to the entrance of the United States into the war, it has been decided by the trustees of the Rhodes Scholarship Trust to postpone the election of all Rhodes scholars for the year 1918.

As Massachusetts is one of the states which would have been omitted that year in any event, this postponement will mean that there will be no election of a Rhodes scholar from this state until the year 1918, when a student will be chosen to go to Oxford for the years 1920-23. Meanwhile candidates who have prepared to take the qualifying examinations may do so and thus become eligible for the next election of scholars.

These examinations, arranged for October 2 and 3, will be held as usual. Candidates intending to compete for them should apply at once to President Lowell for further information. No applications will be received after September 27.

The scholarship is of the value of $1500 per annum, tenable at the University of Oxford, England, for a period of three years. Competitors must be citizens of the United States, between 19 and 25 years of age, and must, before the date of entry on residence at Oxford, have completed at least their second year at some regular degree-granting American university or college. Candidates having their domicile in the State and those who have received any large part of their education there are alike eligible.
