

Particulars Concerning Courses and Other Subjects May Be Easily Obtained.

The CRIMSON prints below a directory showing where information regarding rooms, board, general assistance, admission, college duties, the choice of electives the various courses given under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and the Graduate Schools may be obtained.

Phillips Brooks House Bureau.

An information bureau for the benefit of new students will be maintained in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House today from 8 to 5 o'clock, Copies of all official pamphlets and catalogues and information concerning rooms, room-mates, and board may be obtained there.

The Harvard Handbook, published by Phillips Brooks House and compiled by A. F. Tribble '19 and R. Little '19 may be obtained here. The booklet contains information concerning the University, the calendar for the College year and all undergraduate activities. It is distributed gratis to all new students.

Admission and Studies.


For information about admission to Harvard College apply to the Chairman of the Committee on Admission, University Hall, north entry, 2d floor, room 20.

For information about College duties apply to the Recorder, University Hall, south entry, 1st floor, room 4.

Committee on Choice of Electives: Professor G. H. Edgell, Secretary. Office hours: Monday, 9-1, University 18, north entry (second floor); 2-5, University 9 south entry (third floor).

Board of Tutors in History, Government, and Economics: Dr. H. H. Burbank, Chairman. Office hours: Monday, 10-12, Matthews 4; Tuesday, 9-12.30, Lower Reading Room, Widener; 2.30-4.30, Matthews 4.

Oral Examinations.

Students who wish to take the special oral examination to test their power to translate either French or German must notify the Recorder in writing on or before Thursday, September 27.

For information about the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences apply at the office of the Dean and the Secretary of the School, in University Hall, north entry, 3rd floor, room 24, from 9 to 10 o'clock or 2.30 to 4.30 o'clock.

For information about the Schools of Applied Science apply to the Chairmen of the several schools.

For information about the Graduate School of Business Administration apply at the office of the Dean of the School, in University Hall, north entry, 1st floor, room 17.

The College Library.

The College Library is in the Harry Elkins Widener Memorial Library building. The General Reading Room and Delivery Room are on the second floor (entrance by the long steps on the north side). The Lower Reading Room (for students in elementary courses in History and Economics) is on the ground floor and is entered by the door on the west side, opposite Weld Hall.

Freshmen and other newly enrolled students should register early at the Delivery Desk on the second floor, bringing their Bursar's Certificate to identify them as members of the University.

For information about fees, bonds and payments, see printed rules; or apply at the Bursar's Office in Lower Dane (hours 9-1). (Today and tomorrow, 9-5).

Information Concerning Courses.

All students under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences may obtain information concerning courses in the Divisions and Departments of study named below tomorrow from the following instructors who will be present in the rooms indicated from 9 to 12.30 o'clock and from 2.30 to 4.30 o'clock.

Ancient Languages, Prof. Gulick, A. M., Widener E; P. M., 59 Fayerweather street.

Anthropology, Prof. Dixon, A. M. and P. M., Peabody Museum.

Biology, Prof. Osterhout, A. M. and P. M., Botany Museum, room 10.

Botany, Prof. Fernald, A. M., Botany Museum, room 10; P. M., Gray Herbarium.

Chemistry, Prof. Baxter, A. M. and P. M., Coolidge Lab. 8.

Comparative Literature, Prof. Kittredge, A. M., Warren House; P. M., 8 Hilliard street.

Economics, Prof. Bullock, A. M., Lower Reading Room; P. M., Upper Dane.

Education, Prof. Holmes, A. M. and P. M., Lawrence 5.

Engineering Sciences, Prof. Hughes, A. M., Peabody Museum 57; P. M., Peabody 55.

English, Prof. Robinson, A. M., Warren House; P. M., Longfellow Park.

Fine Arts, Prof. Chase, A. M., Sever 25; P. M., 12 Shady Hill Square.

French and Other Romance Languages and Literatures, Prof. Ford, A. M., Widener Y; P. M., Widener 790.

Geology, Prof. Wolff, A. M. and P. M., Geol. Mus. 22.

Geology and Geography, Prof. Daly, A. M., Geol. Mus. 15; P. M., 23 Hawthorn street.

Germanic Languages and Literatures, Prof. Walz, A. M., Sever 17; P. M., 42 Garden street.

Government, Prof. Hart, A. M., Lower Reading Room; P. M., Widener 775.

Greek, Prof. C. H. Moore, A. M., Sever 16; P. M., 112 Brattle street.

History, Prof. Ferguson, A. M., Lower Reading Room; P. M., Widener 576.

History, Government, Economics, Prof. Haskins, A. M. and P. M., University 23.

Indic Philology, Prof. Lanman, A. M., Widener A; P. M., 9 Farrar street.

Latin, Prof. C. H. Moore, A. M., Sever 16; P. M., 112 Brattle street.

Mathematics, Prof. Bocher, A. M., Sever 20; P. M., 48 Buckingham street.

Medical Sciences, Prof. Henderson, A. M., Harvard 6; P. M., Widener 183.

Mineralogy and Petrography, Prof. Palache, A. M. and P. M., Univ. Mus. 9.

Modern Languages, Prof. Kittredge, A. M., Warren House; P. M., 8 Hilliard street.

Music, Prof. Spalding, A. M. and P. M., Music Building.

Philosophy, Prof. Hoernle, A. M. and P. M. Emerson B.

Philosophy and Psychology, Prof. Hoernle, A. M. and P. M., Emerson B.

Physical Sciences, Prof. Hall, A. M. and P. M., Jeff. Phys. Lab. 9.

Physics, Prof. Hall, A. M. and P. M., Jeff. Phys. Lab. 9.

Public Speaking, Prof. Winter, A. M. and P. M., Holden Chapel.

Semitic, Prof. Lyon, A. M., Semitic Mus. 3; P. M., 12 Scott street.

Social Ethics, Prof. Foerster, A. M. and P. M., Emerson K.

Zoology, Prof. Parker, A. M. and P. M., Zool. Lab. 45.
