The first move toward starting the Freshman football season will take place today when all candidates for the managership of the 1921 eleven will be called out. They will report at the H. A. A. at 3 o'clock for preliminary work. Candidates for the Freshman squad are to register at the H. A. A. today between 10 and 5 o'clock in order to simplify the work tomorrow when the first practice will be held.
The Freshman coach this fall will be D. J. Wallace '16, who has obtained leave of absence from his military duties as a member of General Sweetser's staff for the duration of the football season. As there will be no regular University eleven this year the Freshmen will be the centre of interest and their schedule, as yet tentative, which includes games with the Princeton and Yale freshmen, will assume added importance.
At the same time as the first year men are called out for their first practice tomorrow afternoon, a call will be issued for all veterans of last year's University and Freshman squads and all other members of the College who want to play football. Those with experience will help coach the 1921 squad and the others will be divided up into scrub teams. If enough interest is shown in these informal organizations, it is likely that games will be arranged for them with teams from Westfield, Boxford, Newport and other camps and naval stations. The other branches of fall sport will be carried on in the same informal way as football.
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