

Medical School Finds Too Few Applying to Make Work Practicable.

It was announced today that unless a greater number of qualified women applied for instruction, the proposed arrangements for the medical instruction of women by Radeliffe College and the Medical School would be abandoned for the present year.

Announcement was recently made that the Harvard Medical School was considering throwing open its doors to women students registered at Radeliffe College who met all the requirements for admission to the Medical School. The action was taken to test the need for the medical education of women under present war conditions and to supply that need if it was found to exist. From the records of those who have thus far applied for admission it appears that all but one of the twenty candidates have either failed to fulfill the entrance requirements or would transfer to Radcliffe from some other Medical College to which they have already gained admission. It seems unlikely, therefore, that the proposed arrangements will be made effective for the present year, for neither the University nor Radeliffe desires to withdraw students from other schools or to attempt the medical education of women with too limited a number of students.
