

MaJor-General Leonard Wood Among Those Elected Last June.

To fill the places on the Board of Overseers vacated by George Von L. Meyer '79, William C. Boyden '86, Henry Cabot Lodge '72, Lawrence E. Sexton '83, and William Endicott '87, five new members were elected on Commencement Day. The new members chosen were Major-General Leonard Wood, M.D. '84, Arthur Woods '92, Franklin Delano Roosvelt '94, Francis Joseph Swayze '79, and Jerome Davis Greene '96.

The total postal vote cast was 5466 as against 5584 in 1916; the total Commencement vote was 1107 as against 1376 the year before. The total ballots were as follows: *Lenoard Wood, M.D. '84,  4889 *Arthur Woods '92,  3765 *Franklin D. Roosevelt '94,  3041 *Francis J. Swayze '79,  2865 *Jerome D. Greene '96,  2386 Charles A. Coolidge '81,  1874 Barrett Wendell, Jr., '02,  1585 John W. Eliot '74,  1424 Philip M. Rhinelander '91,  1458 Henry W. Keyes '87,  1481 Samuel S. Drury '01,  981 Charles P. Curtis '83,  943 Benjamin B. Thayer '85,  827 Henry O. Taylor '78,  692 Henry S. Thompson '99,  676 David A. Ellis '94,  654 George Rublee '90,  644 Robert P. Perkins '84,  619 Robert H. Stevenson, Jr., '97,  605 John L. O'Brian '96,  577 *Elected.
