Every student in the College, except out-of-course students who are taking only a single or half course, is required to pay to the Bursar on or before next Monday morning the first instalment of his tuition fee of $50. Every out-of-course student who is taking only a single or half course is required to pay his entire tuition fee for the year. Every student who was a member of the College prior to the academic year 1916-17 is required to pay in addition to his tuition fee, the Infirmary fee of $4.
Every special student under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences whose work for the academic year is to amount to more than one course is required to pay $50 and those whose work is one course or less must pay their entire tuition fee. Those entered before 1916-17 must also pay the $4 Infirmary fee.
Every Law School student is required to pay a tuition fee of $90 and Infirmary fee of $4.
Every student in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School of Business Administration, the School of Architecture, and the School of Landscape Architecture whose work for the academic year is to amount to more than one course is required to pay a tuition fee of $50; and those taking one course or less, their whole tuition fee. All students enrolled before the year 1916-17 must pay in addition the Infirmary fee of $4.
Every first-year student in the Medical School is required to pay a total of $140, and second, third, and fourth year students $135.
First year students in the Dental School are required to pay $154, second year students $108, third year students $100.
Every student in the Divinity School except a special student or graduate student whose work for the whole academic year is to be less than two full courses is required to pay $94 and the above specified special and graduate students are required to pay their entire tuition fee plus the infirmary fee of $4.
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