Under the circumstances prevailing this year Harvard Law School's decision to postpone the intended celebration of its first centenary is doubtless wise. Yet no delay of the outward formalities can change the fact that the school does come at this time to the close of its first hundred years, and hence to a point when all alumni and friends of the school will do well to reflect upon its splendid course in the past and to help provide funds for its continuing service in the future. To this end it is good news that copies of the school's history, as lately prepared, will be widely distributed, celebration or no celebration. Whoever reads thoughtfully and in sequence the record of achievement and of developing progress set forth in the story of Harvard's Law School will feel an eager interest quickened within him. The very idea that its further growth and improvement should by any chance be denied or impeded becomes unthinkable. The picture of the Law School as it is awaknes an emotion somewhat akin to that which one feels when he looks upon a great cathedral with one of its spires unfinished. There comes a keen desire to see it completed. So of this temple of legal learning, benefiting all our society as well as the individuals who are trained within it, a realization of the good labor and thought which has already gone into its construction leads to a great desire for more. And in the person of Dean Pound the architect who can build well the parts which remain to be wrought is ready and waiting. Boston transcript. Boston Transcript.
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