
Navy Instructor Exams June 19

An examination will be held at the United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md., Tuesday, June 19, for the selection of five civilian instructors for the Department of English and about ten for the Department of Modern Languages. The men will be determined in the order of merit in this examination, and others who qualify will be placed on a reserve list, and held eligible, in their relative order of merit for appointments later on, when some vacancy occurs.

The salary is $1,800 per annum, the appointments are annual, and tenure depends upon the instructor's ability as proven in the performance of his duties. The candidates for this examination must be American citizens between the ages of 25 and 35, and must have completed the usual courses in recognized colleges or universities, and must have had at least two years' teaching experience. Knowledge of both French and Spanish, as well as English, is required.
