


The first battalion of the University Reserve Officers' Training Corps will leave for the state rifle range at Wakefield early this morning, and will remain there for rifle practice throughout the week. Inasmuch as packs and haversacks have not yet been secured, the men's bedding and few necessary belongings will be carried out by motor truck. The four companies will make the trip of 16 miles on foot, taking the greater part of the day for the purpose. The hike will, for purposes of instruction, be conducted as a march under war conditions.

At Wakefield the men will sleep under canvas in wall tents formerly used by the militia, and will serve, and to a large extent prepare, their own meals. The details for pit duty will also be taken from the various companies. Captain Shannon will be in complete charge of the encampment.

On the range the first part of the time will be spent in shooting at known ranges. Each man will shoot the regular army qualification course for his record, which provides for 10 shots at 300 yards, 5 sitting and 5 kneeling, 10 shots prone at 500 yards, and 10 shots prone with a sand bag rest at 600 yards; and also, at rapid fire, for 10 shots at 200, 300, and 500 yards in one minute, one minute and 10 seconds, and one minute and 20 seconds respectively-

Men Will Be Graded By Scores.

In this course a total of 253 out of the possible 300 is necessary to secure ranking as expert rifleman; 238 is needed for the grade of sharpshooter, and 202 for that of marksman. A first class man is one who shoots at least 177, and a second class man 152; men shooting lower than that number are unqualified.


After the firing at known distances is completed, the companies will receive more practical instruction in combat firing. In this type of rifle practice squads, platoons or companies will be given fire problems under simulated campaign conditions; the enemy will be represented by suddenly appearing targets whose range must be estimated by the officers in charge.
