The first University unit of the Motor Ambulance Section of the Medical Enlisted Reserve Corps will leave Cambridge today for Allentown, Pa., where they will receive intensive training in their duties as drivers, clerks, and mechanics for two weeks or more under Major E. E. Persons of the Medical Corps. These men will sail for France immediately upon the completion of work in this country. The unit is composed of 39 men, all but two of whom are either graduates, or present members of the University. These men are to report at room 617, 25 Huntington Avenue, Boston, this afternoon at 2 P. M. for instructions as to the hour of their departure and commutation of subsistence.
Other men who have enrolled in the University Ambulance units and who have not been examined are to report at 42 Water Street, Boston, between 9 and 4 today.
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Final Examinations Terminate