

Men Will be Sent Abroad for Training for Rank of Ensign.

An announcement from the Naval Aviation Department at Washington has been received stating that over 200 men are wanted for this branch of service. The only requirements are that applicants should be between the ages of 18 and 25; should be able to pass a physical examination; and should have finished at least a secondary school education. No previous experience in aviation is necessary.

The applicants accepted will be sent abroad immediately to be trained, and will be on duty as soon as they have completed their course of study satisfactorily. The work in training will be in dirigible flying as well as in aeroplane, in captive balloon flying, map drawing, etc. While in this work the men accepted will have the rank of second-class seamen, and should they pass their examination at the end of a period of about three months, they will receive commissions as ensigns.

All those who desire to enroll for this service will apply at Building 24, Communication Office, Navy Yard, Charlestown, where full particulars of the work will be given.

As only about 200 men will be taken, it is advisable that men apply for admission at the earliest possible moment.
