

The close of the usual College year leaves the Corps, which has been in the last four months such an intimate part of the College, with a future which we must regard with truth as doubtful, in so far as its primary purpose is concerned.

The refusal of that all-magical Government sanction, which was so eagerly, so optimistically, and so long expected, was naturally disheartening, since it seemed to render negligible all effort of men in the Corps. The withdrawal of the Army officers detailed here is another, and a more immediate misfortune. Rumors of other changes, of the detachment of the French Mission, and of radical modifications of the training schedule, however foolish and baseless such rumors may be, have had a sorry effect on the firmness of purpose of many men.

There is no question that the Corps will continue. There is no question that it will continue successfully, accomplishing as much as it may without Government, which alone may grant commissions. And it is to be presumed that the real purpose of the men who have enrolled is to receive training, not specially commissions.

The purpose for which the Corps was founded is in nowise altered, nor is its value lessened. Those men who began training with the idea of learning will not be frightened by the Timor or panic of those who follow like sheep in the path where everybody says everybody should go. Here is the work which is to be done. Work well done will never be without result.

It is true that, as Government even invoking the shades of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson, may not move the universe, so the Corps may not move Government. It is fortunate in like manner that the Corps may not be moved by panic.
