The following classes have the announced the times and places of their reunion activities to be held today, tomorrow and Thursday.
1869. June 20.--Dinner at 7 o'clock, Algonquin Club, Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Thayer 5.
1870. June 21.--Headquarters at Thayer 45.
1879. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 18.
1880. June 20.--Dinner at 7 o'clock, Union Club, Boston.
1882. June 20.--Dinner at 7 o'clock, Algonquin Club, Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 13.
1887. June 20.--Dinner at 7 o'clock, Union Club, Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Hollis 7.
1891. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 9.
1892. Tonight.--Meeting and informal supper at 7 o'clock, Copley-Plaza Hotel, Boston. June 20.--Class will be the guests of W. Cameron Forbese at Westwood. Dinner at 7 o'clock, Algonquin Club, Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Hollis. Class will attend Commencement Exercises in a body.
1894. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 23. Dinner at 7 o'clock, Harvard Club of Boston.
1896. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 20.
1897. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 28.
1898. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 23.
1899. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 20.
1900. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 7.
1902. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 3. Dinner at 7 o'clock, Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston.
1903. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 7.
1905. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 16.
1906. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 24.
1907. June 20.--Informal dinner in Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 24.
1908. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 27.
1909. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 8.
1910. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 31.
1912. June 21.--Headquarters at Hollis 32.
1913. June 21.--Headquarters at Thayer 51.
1914. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 27.
1915. June 21.--Headquarters at Thayer 47.
Alumni Luncheon in Yard.
Contrary to their usual custom the various classes will not hold separate luncheons in their headquarters on Commencement Day, as it is planned to have all graduates returning to Cambridge join the large Alumni luncheon. This will be held in the Widener Library Quadrangle from 12 until 1.30 o'clock. It is open to all holders of University degrees, and to members of all University faculties, without charge. No ticket of admission is necessary.
Plans Curtailed by War.
Elaborate plans for reunion festivities have been greatly cut down because of the war. Only the simplest sort of dinners and meetings are to be held, even those classes which are celebrating their important reunions. 1892, which will be back for its 25th, has decided that "owing to the fact that the country is seriously preparing for war, it has seemed to the Class Committee inappropriate to hold an elaborate or expensive celebration." The Secretary of 1897 writes that "the conclusion reached by the Class Committee that the 20th Reunion be reduced to the minimum of expense and effort in the form of a simple class dinner represents an apparently unanimous view, so far as any expression of opinion has come to the attention of the Secretary. Perhaps under brighter skies we may some day recover this vanished celebration." For 1902 "this year it was proposed, as is the custom, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the class. This was to be carried on in very much the same way as had been done by other classes in the years just preceding. A general outline of what was to take place was sent to the Class in "Two Bits," a small class paper issued in connection with the celebration by a committee of which A. E. Hoyle was chairman. When it was definitely settled that the United States had declared war on Germany, these plans were abandoned. This action on the part of the Class of 1902 conforms with that taken by the other classes.
The Secretary of 1907 reports: "Owing to the state of war existing between this country and Germany, it has seemed best to the committee in charge of our Decennial Reunion to cancel the elaborate plans they had prepared for the affair and to confine the Class activities to the ceremonies on Commencement Day and an informal dinner to be held in Boston on the night before Commencement, which, it is hoped, all those in a position to do so will attend. The committee hope that the elaborate celebration planned for this June will simply be postponed until the end of the war."
The following notice, was sent out to all members of the Class of 1912, by the Entertainment Committee: "Due to the present national crisis the Class Entertainment Committee has felt it advisable to cancel all plans for any official reunion during the present year. The Committee has felt that the Class would desire to endorse and to reflect the spirit of self-sacrifice and devotion to the nation's needs which inspires and guides the University today. What price the country must pay in the months to come for the ideals now at stake no one can foresee; but that 1912 will bear hear full share of the cost, whatever it may prove to be, no one for one moment can question. May her record be a brilliant and proud one when next her members gather for a class reunion. The class is indebted to a committee of classmates in New York City, who had largely completed plans for a celebration this spring when the existing state of war became officially recognized by our National Government. Their entire concurrence with our views has reasasured us in the position which we have, taken.
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