The following classes have the announced the times and places of their reunion activities to be held today, tomorrow and Thursday.
1869. June 20.--Dinner at 7 o'clock, Algonquin Club, Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Thayer 5.
1870. June 21.--Headquarters at Thayer 45.
1879. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 18.
1880. June 20.--Dinner at 7 o'clock, Union Club, Boston.
1882. June 20.--Dinner at 7 o'clock, Algonquin Club, Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 13.
1887. June 20.--Dinner at 7 o'clock, Union Club, Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Hollis 7.
1891. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 9.
1892. Tonight.--Meeting and informal supper at 7 o'clock, Copley-Plaza Hotel, Boston. June 20.--Class will be the guests of W. Cameron Forbese at Westwood. Dinner at 7 o'clock, Algonquin Club, Boston. June 21.--Headquarters at Hollis. Class will attend Commencement Exercises in a body.
1894. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 23. Dinner at 7 o'clock, Harvard Club of Boston.
1896. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 20.
1897. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 28.
1898. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 23.
1899. June 21.--Headquarters at Holworthy 20.
1900. June 21.--Headquarters at Stoughton 7.
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