


The Military Office received yesterday from Yale University the names of 180 undergraduates of that institution who have enrolled in the Harvard Reserve Officers' Training Corps. The greater part of that number will report for duty on Tuesday, June 26, when they will be equally apportioned among the companies of the regiment. These new men will go into barracks with their respective battalions immediately on arrival.

Arrangements for the Yale men to enter the regiment after the enlistments formally closed several weeks ago was made at a recent conference between President Hadley, President Lowell and the University military authorities. The Elis have been training throughout the spring under Captain Danforth, U. S. Army, devoting the greater part of their time to artillery drill. Although here they will be unable to directly continue work in that branch of the service which they intend eventually to follow, they will receive the infantry training which is essential for an artillery man, and they will also have the benefit of the more modern artillery instruction of Captain Dupont.

Corps Excused Commencement.

Announcement has been made of the exercises which will be allowed cadets during Commencement Week. All Seniors will be excused from formations between 6 o'clock Monday evening and 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, as well as from all formations on Thursday. All other cadets in the first and second battalions will be excused from 2.30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon until 8 o'clock Wednesday morning. Cadets in the third battalion who are not Seniors will not be excused from any formation throughout the week.

The system of trenches at Fresh Pond on which two companies have been working each day under the guidance of the French Officers is rapidly nearing completion. All of the excavation is completed except a few points in the first line, and in one of the boyeaux, and the men are now engaged in performing the finishing details which will make the trenches habitable. The ever difficult problem of drainage is being met in the several ways adopted on the Western front, floor gratings are being constructed and placed and weak portions of the trench walls are being braced and reenforced. After the return of the third battalion from Wake-field combat exercises will be held on this reproduced section of the French front, and later, following the principles of training used in the Allied armies, each battalion will occupy the section for a short period.
