PRINCETON, N. J., June 11, 1917.--The New Jersey Summer Military Camp will open here June 25 to August 18 under the auspices of President Hibben of Princeton University and Governor Edge of New Jersey. It is announced by the university that the War Department will detail a regular army officer as commandant. The camp is designed to give practical intensive training in preparation for entrance into military work for the Government, either in one of the officers' training camps or for service under the draft.
The minimum age for admittance into the camp is 17 years. All applicants will be required to pass a physical examination rigorous enough to determine their capacity for military training.
Canadian officers have been secured to take charge of practical instruction in trench warfare. The total cost of the camp will be $100 for each man in attendance, but a number of scholarships are available for some men who are unable to pay their expenses. Details in regard to the camp, and application blanks for admittance may be obtained from the Adjutant of the Princeton Summer Camp, Princeton, N. J.
The program of the camp will, according to the present arrangements, consist of drill, study talks, actual practice as non-commissioned officers, bayonet, and setting-up exercises, individual instruction in the details of rifle shooting and the use of semaphore codes, topography, marches, trench warfare, lectures, and black board talks on the theory of military tactics.
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