In the first of a number of lectures on the use and operation of modern artillery in the present war, Captain Dupont, of the French Mission, addressed the University Reserve Officers' Training Corps last evening at the regular lecture period. Captain Dupont, who speaks excellent English, delivered his address himself, devoting the time to an introductory description of the various types of shells and to a discussion of their respective values under different conditions. By tables and diagrams he pointed out the penetrating power of high explosive shells of the several calibres, explaining its variation according to the weight of the projectile and its angle of incidence. The use of shrapnel was also discussed with reference to its effectiveness and potentiality. Captain Dupont treated his subject from the point of view of the infantry officer, pointing out the aid which foot troops could expect from their supporting artillery, with which they must co-operate closely at all times.
Second Battalion Encamped.
The second battalion reached the range at Wakefield after a wet march yesterday morning. Most of the afternoon was spent in getting settled in the tents recently vacated by the first battalion.
The subscription for the Colt gun which was secured through the energy of a few members of Company A is going ahead rapidly. The collection in the squads is to be made by the corporals, who will turn over the amount which their men wish to contribute to the first sergeants of their companies, who will in turn, turn the money over to the committee in charge. Yesterday Company F pledged $150 to help pay for the gun.
Since no Seniors are to accompany the third battalion, which goes to Wake field on Monday, none of the companies will return to Cambridge next week.
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