Lieutenant Ross, U. S. A., representing the War Department, will be in Cambridge today and tomorrow for the purpose of officially inspecting the Reserve Officers' Training Corps of the University. Upon the report which he will make to the authorities at Washington will depend in large measure the rating which the Corps will receive from the War Department.
Today Lieutenant Ross will devote to an investigating of the program and method of training, and to a general inspection of each of the companies at work. The detailed inspection of each man's arms and equipment will be held on Soldiers Field tomorrow morning.
Next Monday, June 4, the first battallion will go to Wakefield, where the four companies will camp for the entire week. Ample tentage has been secured, although the tents will be those formerly used by the militia, instead of the pyramid type now employed by the War Department. The men will devote the six days to rifle practice at various ranges and to combat exercises. On June 11 the second battalion will supersede, and the following Monday the third battalion will start its week of shooting.
Club Offers Privileges.
Through the kindness of the Oakley Country Club the R. O. T. C. has secured the privilege of using the extensive club grounds and parts of the surrounding country for map sketching. Both the location and the terrain of this section of the country are especially suited to the purpose, and the two companies each day which are doing map sketching, are making profitable us of these grounds.
At Fresh Pond the work of field fortification is continuing under the tutelage of the French officers, who are teaching the men not only the manner of building the trenches, but also the methods of defending and storming them.
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