
Special War Course at Dartmouth

Dartmouth has started a special six-weeks' training course in preparation for the Government Military Stores Service. The Tuck School, which will conduct the course, has accepted 80 men from the hundred odd applicants. Seventeen seniors and eight juniors, not connected with the Tuck School, have enrolled and will be permitted to give up their college work and substitute the new work.

The course has been introduced at the urgent suggestion of the storage committee of the General Munitions Board, which is assisting the military authorities in the development of their organization for handling war materials and supplies. A tentative decision of the Tuck School to offer such a course was made final by the receipt of a telegram from Washington. A large number of men, including commissioned and non-commissioned officers, will be required for this branch of the service. In the immediate future a school for storekeepers will be established by the Government at a point already determined, but not yet announced, and in recruiting form this school men who have had the benefit of preliminary training will be given a preference.
