The selection and notification of those men who are chosen to attend the senior training camps relieves the embarrassment of uncertainty for all applicants. Those fortunate sons of Ares who are permitted to enter into training have before them the bright prospect of a lieutenant's bars to incite them to their best. They should remember that they are, presumably at least, the chosen among the elect, and that if they in any way fail of the opportunity which has been offered them, they are working indirectly an injustice to other men who were rejected that they might be chosen.
Those men who are required to report at camp on the 12th will suffer the misfortune of being unable to take part in the parade which General Joffre will review. Those men who are not required to report until the 14th will have ample opportunity to do so. It is unnecessary there to point out that all men who are not physically prevented from presence in their place in line then owe it as their first and simple duty to be there. That is due in justice to the Commandant of the Corps, whose months of effort will culminate, in the minds of the public, in this open display; in duty to the Corps, whose success is the success of each of its members; and in honor to our notable visitor, for whom our utmost honor is none too great.
The first duty of each Plattsburg man is not to be lacking from his appointed place. On the way in which that first duty is fulfilled the strength of character for fulfilling other duties will be built. Attendance at the parade next Saturday is an essential part of our training in character to be officers.
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