The centennial anniversary of the Law School will take place next month. The ceremonies in celebration of the 100th year since the opening of the school will be held during the first half of Commencement Week and graduates from all over the country will attend. Invitations have been sent out to all the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of each state in the Union, and to deans of all the leading law schools in the country.
Ex-Secretary of War Will Speak
The program of ceremonies will start on June 19, when Henry L. Stimson, A. M., '89, Secretary of War under President Taft, will deliver the centennial oration. On the following day the annual meeting of the Law School Association will be held in Langdell Hall, and Dean Pound will give the address. This meeting will precede a dinner at the Hotel Somerset in the evening, which will mark the close of the celebration.
The secretaries of the various Law School classes are already arranging for reunion dinners, spreads, and other meetings in connection with the anniversary festivities. Inasmuch as graduates of the Law School have been given the right to vote for overseers of the University, all graduates, including those who came from other colleges, will remain over for the Commencement exercises.
In connection with the centennial anniversary a short history of the school is being prepared under supervision of the faculty. This book, containing portraits of the various professors and buildings during the first century of its existence, will be mailed as soon as it is ready to members of the Law School Association. A memorial pamphlet containing an account of the celebration will also be issued and sent to all members of the association. Tickets to the spread and dinner may be obtained on application to the secretary.
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