


The intensive training for the Reserve Officers' Training Corps of the University will commence this morning at nine o'clock, when the various companies will be assembled for the day's drill. Throughout the week the men will work from 9 until 12 o'clock in the mornings and from 2 until 5 o'clock in the afternoons. Each week thereafter throughout the period of three or more months' drill will last eight hours each day, from 8 to 12 in the mornings and from 1 to 5 in the afternoons. Saturday afternoons and Sundays the men will have to themselves.

The regular companies already formed will continue in their training under the guidance of the six French officers, Captain Cordier, and Captain Shannon. Captain Bowen will command the new battalion composed of four companies of recruits, each of which will be in the charge of a drill sergeant of the regular army, as follows: 1st Company, First Sergeant Boyd; 2nd Company, Sergeant Brown; 3rd Company, Sergeant Kennedy; 4th Company, Sergeant Lynch. In these companies provisional student non-commissioned officers will be appointed today. The four new companies will assemble on the west side of the Stadium at 9 o'clock.

Plattsburg Men Will Not Be Excused

Those men at present in the Corps who have made application for admittance to one of the fourteen Officers' Training Camps established by the Government will not be excused from their drill with the Corps here until they present to the Commandant satisfactory evidence of their acceptance by the Government for one of these camps. If any violation of this rule is made, it was stated at the military office day before yesterday, the offender will be reported by Captain Cordier to the military authorities in charge of the camps, and his chances for acceptance will be greatly reduced.

The regular companies already formed will assemble in their customary places.


Those men who wish to receive instruction with a view to becoming assistant bayonet instructors in their companies will report to M. Leslaby in the Fencing Room in Hemenway Gymnasium today at 12 o'clock. Four assistants, preferably men with previous experience, will be chosen to help in the bayonet drills which are to start next week. In addition to the regular U. S. Army drill, instruction will be given in the method of handling the weapon at present employed by the French.
