

The change of plans for the annual convention of Harvard Clubs whereby it will meet in Washington must be regarded as a change that is altogether excellent. Washington is a city that is rather over-conventioned, with everything from the association of amalgamated master plumbers to the delegation of lady school teachers from Lima, Ohio, meeting there. But Washington has always room for notable men; it could not be honored by the presence of any representative group more than it could by the presence of the Associated Clubs.

The Harvard Club of Washington has on its roster many men who have gone from the University into the leadership of the nation. It is well fitted by tradition and personnel to act the host.

Nothing could be more fitting than that men representing the culture and training for service in which we are also upreared should meet where they may learn what their nation needs, and how best they may fulfill that need. We can be sure that the annual convention will bring forth results in unity of action wherever Harvard men wield influence in communities throughout the country.
