
Reserve Officers' Training Corps

May 3, 1917.


2. All members of the Training Corps who are accepted for Plattsburg and other camps, or who enter other Government service, and whose discharges are authorized, will turn in all articles of uniform clothing and all equipment issued to them. Should they fail to do this, a report of the circumstances will be made to the commandant of the training camp, etc., with the notation covering the man's unfitness to be entrusted with Government property.   C. CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army, Commandant.   May 4, 1917.


1. All members of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps who have enrolled for Plattsburg and other training camps may continue, if they so choose, to avail themselves of the opportunity for intensive training with the Corps for the week commencing May 7. Any cadet who undertakes such additional training will be expected to complete the week's instruction.


2. In all probability, the Regiment will act as escort to, and be reviewed by, Marshal Joffre during his visit to Cambridge. Only those cadets now enrolled and who have participated in the daily drills of the Regiment during the week May 7 to 12 will be allowed to take part in this review, which will probably be held the latter part of the week.   C. CORDIER,   Captain, U. S. Army, Commandant.

Orders No. 1.

Harvard University,

Detachment U. S. Troops,

Cambridge, Mass.   May 8, 1917.   Captain James A. Shannon, 11th Cavalry, is appointed summary court offices.   C. CORDIER.   Captain, U. S. Army, Commandant.
