


The 170th commencement of Princeton University will be different from that of past years, with the class reunions and festivities attendant upon the return of the alumni almost entirely lacking. In their place there is to be a patriotic demonstration unprecedented in the history of Princeton, in which all the Ambassadors and Ministers now representing the Allied nations at Washington accompanied by their staffs, as well as Robert E. Lansing and Herbert Clark Hoover, will participate and will receive honorary degrees of LL.D.

To make arrangements for the entertainment of these distinguished guests the plans for the annual commencement have had to be greatly changed, the graduating exercises being changed from Tuesday to Saturday and some other ceremonies being entirely omitted. The suspension of athletics will prevent any alumni parade or Yale baseball game, and the large part of the classes have chosen to do away with their formal class reunions and give the money that would have thus been spent to the university to help relieve the financial crisis which it is facing. Those who will receive degrees are:

Sir Cecil Arthur Spring-Rice, Ambassador from Great Britain; Jean Jules Jusserand, Ambassador from France; Count Vincenzo Maschi di Cellere, Ambassador from Italy; Almaro Sato, Ambassador from Japan; M. de Cartier de Marchiennes, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from Belgium; Viscount de Alte, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from Portugal; Mr. Lansing, and Mr. Hoover.

President Wilson has been invited to participate in the demonstration, but it is feared that he may be prevented from accepting because of the great press of official duties at Washington.

The graduating exercises will be held in Alexander Hall on Saturday morning at 10.30 o'clock. The special train that will bring the party from Washington will arrive about 1 o'clock. The school children of the town will participate in the reception.
