

Only One Test listed For Today But 29 Will Be Given Thursday.

The final examination in Military Science and Tactics 1 will be held this evening at 7.30 o'clock. This examination must be taken by students who are now members of Military Science and Tactics 1, who expect to count this subject as a full course or as a second half-year course for their degree. It is not to be taken by persons who have joined the Reserve Officers' Training Corps since April 28 nor by students who took the special final examination given Thursday, May 3, and have been discharged from the Corps.

Moreover, all students who are in the intensive training in the R. O. T. C. and did not take all of their final examinations from April 28 to May 5, must complete their record by taking those examinations from which they were absent during the special final examination period.

Finals will be continued after Memorial Day, 29 being on the schedule for Thursday.

Following is the complete schedule of examinations for today and Thursday: Today7.30 P. M.Military Science and Tactics I.Abernethy to Ecker (inclusive)  New Lecture HallEliot to Kestnbaum (inclusive)  Emerson DKeyser to Morton (inclusive)  Emerson JNason to Rantoul (inclusive)  Sever 11Rice to Schimmel (inclusive)  Sever 5Schley to Spitz (inclusive)  Sever 6Squibb to Treanor (inclusive)  Sever 17B. C. Tucker to Wilder (inclusive)  Sever 18Wiley to Zukoski (inclusive)  Sever 23Thursday9.15 A. M.Anthropology 10,  Peabody Mus.Anthropology 11,  Sever 6Botany 11,  Sever 17Chemistry AAllison to Drake (inclusive)  Harvard 9Droppers to Mitchell (inclusive)  Harvard 5Moore to Yesner (inclusive)  Harvard 6Chemistry 3,  Zool. Lect. Rm.Economics 1b,  Sever 11Economics 14,  Sever 17Education 1,  Sever 6Engin. Sci. 10,  Sever 35English 3b,  Sever 24English 11b,  Emerson JEnglish 29b,  Emerson DFine Arts 1d,  Zool. Lect. Rm.French 2-, 6-9,  Emerson DFrench 7,  Sever 35Geography 6,  New Lect. HallGerman 1b,  Emerson AGerman 2c,  Emerson FGerman 3,  Sever 18Government 24,  Emerson FGovernment 31,  Sever 5Greek 1b,  Sever 30History 9,  Sever 18History 32b,  New Lect. HallLatin B, I, IIBatchelder to Powning (inclusive)  Sever 29Reynolds to Young (inclusive)  Sever 30Latin 8,  Sever 30Mathematics 2 II,  Sever 36Mathematics 35,  Sever 36Meteorology 3,  Geol. Mus. 43Music 2a hf.,  Emerson JPhilosophy 10,  Emerson DPhilosophy 14a,  Emerson DPhysics 13.  Sever 24Semitic 4,  Sever 17Semitic 8,  Sever 5Semitic 13,  Sever 5Social Ethics 6,  Emerson JSpanish 5  Emerson J2 P. M.Education 3b,  Harvard
