Tomorrow, Memorial Day, there will be the customary services in Memorial Hall, which the R. O. T. C. will attend in a body, assembling at 11.30 o'clock. In the afternoon at 3.30 o'clock General Edwards, commanding the Northeastern department, will review the Corps on Soldiers Field for which ceremony the companies will assemble at 3.20 o'clock. Admission to the Stadium will be free to the public, but tickets will be needed for seats in the section behind the reviewing stand. These tickets, for which no charge will be made, may be secured in limited numbers at the Crimson building this afternoon and tomorrow morning.
Day after tomorrow will be the last day for new enrolments in the Corps. The enlistments yesterday continued strong, over 30 men being accepted. This brings the total to date to 1,180 men. It is expected that this number will be increased to considerably over 1,200 before Friday night. The new men are being assigned to the Recruit Detachment for preliminary instruction in the elements of infantry drill. Later in the week they are all to be transferred to the regular companies, bringing each of these twelve units to a total strength of 900 men.
It was officially announced by the military office last night that the new company officers and non-commissioned officers who are to be appointed at the end of the week will not take office until next Monday. This is in order to allow the Corps to remain under its original officers until after it has been inspected by the War Department inspector on Friday.
Lieutenant Giradoux delivered a lecture to the Corps last night on the grenade. After explaining in detail the various kinds of grenades, the method of their use on the offensive, on the defensive as well as in raids was described.
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