A meeting of the undergraduate Liberty Bond Committee will be held tonight with the purpose of planning a strenuous campaign to stimulate the interest of members of the University in the purchase of the bonds. Subcommittees will be appointed to canvass the various dormitories and solicit subscriptions for the bonds of smaller denominations, and every effort will be made to advertise the sale of the bonds to students. The campaign will be inaugurated in the near future.
The Treasury Department has taken steps to facilitate further the buying of Liberty Bonds in cases where the subscriber wishes to pay at once for his securities. Under the modified arrangements subscriptions for one $50 bond or one $100 bond may be accompanied by payment in full, certificates being given which can later be exchanged for the bonds when the final proceedings for their delivery are completed. This adjustment was brought about because subscription payments hitherto could only be received in such a way that those paying in full before June 15 on bonds in excess of $50 or 100 would be subjected to some loss of interest.
As previously announced in the CRIMSON, special arrangements have been made with the Cambridge Trust Company, which will render the bonds more accessible to the undergraduate. By this scheme a deposit of two dollars must be paid on application by June 15, and weekly instalments of two dollars thereafter for 24 weeks, until November 30. Interest at the rate of at least two percent will be allowed on the deposits as made, and the bonds will be delivered ex the December 15 coupon.
Apart from being a patriotic duty of the highest type, the purchase of a bond represents an excellent investment. The issue is backed by every resource of the Government, and the purchaser is further secured by the fact that a Liberty Bond may be transferred for any bonds authorized in the future bearing a higher rate of interest.
Over $2,500,000 was subscribed in Boston and Cambridge last Saturday.
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