Military drill at Princeton is progressing rapidly. Among the several new features added to the daily routine during the past week are bayonet instruction, problems in estimating distances, and trench work. The last mentioned feature, trench construction, has been taken up only by those men enlisted for intensive training. The work has consisted mainly of constructing combination trenches, which do not present so many difficulties in building. It was also found necessary to construct trenches of this type because the dampness of the ground where the work is being carried on did not allow any depth for digging. Sand-bag fortifications have also been erected in connection with this work.
In addition to this training, instruction has also been given in Cossack riding and double sentry duty. As has been the practice in the University Reserve Corps, much attention is being paid to close order drill, for Princeton, like the University is planning to have an exhibition drill given by the Corps form a part of the Commencement program this year.
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