The United States Civil Service has issued a call to colleges and universities throughout the country for 30 volunteers to enter its department. The existing national situation has brought about a need for an increased number of men in this division and seniors or graduate students of colleges are preferred as applicants.
At present the Civil Service is lacking in funds and the increasing appropriations to pay salaries to any new men the first few weeks of their apprenticeship, but the bill pending in Congress, when passed, will remedy this deficiency, and all members of the service will thereafter be paid regularly.
This branch of national service affords a good opportunity for college men so interested who have been disqualified for any department of the army. The need is urgent and any members of the University desiring more information can secure it from C. Dunham '10, representative of the National Service Bureau, located in University 2, from 1 to 2 o'clock this afternoon.
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Phillips Brooks Invitations Ready