The Board of Overseers of the University, accompanied by Lord Cunliffe, the governor of the Bank of England, and one of the members of the English mission to this country, inspected the R. O. T. C. on Soldiers Field yesterday and complimented the Corps highly on its appearance and general bearing. The close order drills of the last two weeks have brought the first two battalions to a high point of efficiency in this department, and their work in parade is excellent. Having acquired this proficiency, these companies will devote the greater part of their time from now on to open order and combat exercises.
Yesterday evening Major Azan's lecture on "Characteristics of the Present War and Conditions of Modern War fare" was given in the New Lecture Hall. After a short introduction in French by Major Azan himself, Professor Merriman delivered the lecture from a written translation of Major Azan's speech. The talk dealt with the conditions existing on the various battle-fronts, the different form of offense and defense with their relative values, and the importance on equipment as well as transportation in effectively carrying out an attack.
Twenty-eight new men were accepted for the Corps yesterday, bringing the strength of the new battalion of recruits up to 464, in addition to the two experienced battalions. The enrolment bureau at Warren House will be kept open throughout the week. An enrolment office has been opened at 30 Kilby street, Boston.
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