

The banners are lifted, and down in the street

Are the loud drums of battle beginning to beat.

(And those who are parted, where more will they meet?)

Now strong be our courage, and raise up our glance.

For splendid with victory comes Joffre of France!


We have heard the war summons, and now we will come

Joyful, brave, to the sound of the drum.

(Though young men will die at the Marne and the Somme)

For life is a gamble and death is a chance,

So make the shout echo to Joffre of France!

Today or tomorrow, our pennons will wave.

In the broad fields of Flanders, and we will there save

Some remembrance of you that our hearts may be brave.

We bring to your succor the sword and the lance.

Vive, Harvard, notre patrie, et Joffre de France!
