The Commencement program for this year, at Yale includes all the important official features customary in the past. The baccalaureate address, the conferring of degrees, the alumni luncheon, the alumni meeting, the university reception, the 1492 Dinner, etc., are to be held exactly as usual. The most important change is in connection with the exercises of Tuesday afternoon, when a patriotic celebration has been substituted for the usual intercollegiate baseball game. The main features of this celebration are to consist of an assembly of the Graduates on the campus, a military parade, followed by the graduates marching in procession to various memorials on university grounds to Yale men who died in the War of the Revolution, the Civil War, and the Spanish War, with the placing of wreaths on the Nathan Hale statue, the Civil War Memorial, and the three memorials erected to Yale men who died in the Spanish War, namely, the Cheney-Ives Gateway, the Miller Gateway, and the Ledyard Flagstaff. The procession will end up in the university Quadrangle between Woodbridge Hall and the Dining Hall, where patriotic songs will be sung and two addresses delivered from the balcony of Memorial Hall, from which President Taft spoke on his return to New Haven. These addresses will be delivered by George R. Vincent, 1885, President of the University of Minnesota and president-elect of the Rockefeller Foundation, and by Captain R. M. Danford, U. S. A., who has been in charge of the Yale R. O. T. C.
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