In the agitation of the last months for that military preparedness which we so direly needed, the East, with lordly superiority, assumed to tell the West and the Middle West how much broader was its vision and how much deeper was its patriotism. Now that war editorials in the Eastern city papers have taken second place in the nation's war plans to the demand for men, and pretty words have lost, like the problematical salt, their savor, the West and the Middle West are citing their larger contributions in men to our fighting forces as proof of their true and actual patriotism.
The East, speaking through the editorial columns of its city papers, replies that did England only grant home-rule to Ireland, and had Poland only promise of liberty, and were Italy only assured larger rewards for victory, the East would enter in the war with braver heart, and contribute, as it has always said it would contribute, multiple of its just quota in man power to confound the West and Middle West.
Such arguments are foolish. Why not face the fact simply, we Easterners, that we have failed to make good our wordy promises?
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