


Preparations for the University's reception of General Joffre, M. Viviani, and the other members of the French mission tomorrow afternoon are nearing completion, and every effort is being made to make their short visit to Cambridge a memorable one. In addition to exercises in Sanders Theatre and Memorial Hall, the French envoys will review the R. O. T. C. of the University in the Stadium, where an impressive ceremony will be held. The two first battalions, augmented by a hundred men from the four provisional companies, will participate in the parade.

Both the American and French officers in charge of the instruction of the University Training Corps commented yesterday upon the rapid strides that have been made in the drilling of the Unit since the beginning of intensive training. Not only are the regular companies displaying much better formations, but the provisional companies as well are being put into shape.

Ultimately the provisional companies will be made companies I, K, L, and M of the third battalion. Uniforms are being issued to the men as fast as possible, and it is expected that the entire Corps will be in olive drab by the end of the week. In order that this third battalion may be of full strength enlistments of qualified men from other colleges will be accepted until the end of the month.

The regimental band will be increased to 50 pieces, and new instruments where they are needed will be given out today.

Practice With Gallery Rifles.


The Administrative Staff and Tactical Instructors of the Department of Military Science and Tactics are continuing preparations for the course of training here. Sixty gallery practice rifles have been ordered, and beginning May 22, regular rifle practice will be held on the 48 targets which are to be placed in back of the Stadium. These rifles are of 22 calibre, but the same in size and weight as the Regular Army musket. Later each battalion will spend a week in camp on the rifle range at Wakefield, devoting the entire time to rifle practice.

Next week the time allotted for practical instruction will be increased to eight hours a day, Saturday inclusive. In the morning drill will be held between 8 and 12 o'clock, and in the afternoon from 1.30 to 5.30 o'clock. Lectures will be given in the evenings by the French officers for all men in the training corps, and, in addition, special lectures will be given to the provisional battalion by Captain Bowen.
