

Will Tell of Some of His Experiences in the British Trenches.

Captain Philip Jensen, of the famous Canadian Black Watch Regiment, will speak at the regular weekly meeting of the Christian Association to be held in the parlor of Phillips Brooks House, Sunday night. For this week only, the time of the meeting has been changed from 9.45 o'clock in the morning to 7.30 o'clock in the evening.

"Some of My Experiences in the Trenches, and the Y. M. C. A. Hut Work in the British Army," will be the subject of Captain Jensen's talk. Of the 1,500 men originally in the Black Watch Regiment, in which Captain Jensen holds a commission, only three are now living. Captain Jensen himself has been wounded 11 times, and seriously affected by poisonous gases. He has, in fact come to this country in order to receive special treatment to rid himself of lung trouble that has been caused by these gases.
