
Crimson Calendar


1.00--Senior picture on steps of Widener.

4.00--Special meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences at University 5.

4.30--Geological Conference. "Colloids in Geology." Mr. Thorndike Saville. Mineralogical Lecture Room, University Museum.

4.30--Modern Battlefield Tactics." Ian Hay Beith. Tremont Temple.


5.00--Lowell Institute lecture. "The History of Choral Music." VII. "Modern French Music and Russian Church Music." Dr. A. T. Davison '06. Huntington Hall, Boylston street, Boston.

Wednesday, April 11.

4.00--Conference on Municipal Government. "Agencies Informing the Municipal Electorate in the United States." Miss Edith S. Hurst, Widener N.

4.45--Chemical Colloquium. "The Work of Millikan on the Charge on the Electron." Mr. W. E. Hudson, Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.

8.00--"Le Theatre du Vieux Colombier." (In French.) M. Jacques Copeau, director of the experimental Theatre du Vieux Colombier, Paris. Harvard 1,

8.15.--Organ recital. C. K. McKinley '17, St. John's Memorial Chapel, Episcopal Theological School.

Thursday, April 12.

3.30--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Widener Y.

8.15--Joint concert by the University Glee Club and the Radcliffe Choral Society, assisting by Frank R. Hancock '12. Sanders Theatre.

8.30--"Flying in France." Morton Prince '75. Trophy Room of the Union.

Friday, April 13.

4.00--Meeting of the Faculty of Divinity in the Faculty Room, Divinity Hall.
