The American Association of Manufacturing Chemists is preparing to meet the increased demand for trained chemists which the war will cause by getting in touch with students in colleges and technical schools throughout the country. A great many men will soon be needed in the plants which receive Government contracts for war supplies, and in many other branches of military activity.
A committee has been formed in the University to gather statistics concerning students qualified to serve as chemists. Enrolment blanks, which do not in any way obligate the signer, but which will supply a list of University men who can be called on, may be had from the following committee: Prof. G. P. Baxter, Prof. E. P. Kohler, F. S. Bacon 2G, A. A. Cook '18, J. H. Hodges 3G, R. D. Hunneman '17 and M. L. Swanson '18.
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