Uniform clothing will be issued to individuals belonging to organizations, at James Smith Hall A, as follows:
Band, Machine Gun co., Company D: 1-5 P. M., Friday, April 6.
Company E, Company F, Company G. Company H: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M., Monday, April 9.
Company I, Company K, Company L, Company M; 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday, April 11.
The following temporary appointment of cadet officer is made, effective Monday, April 2, 1917, and terminating April 16, 1917:
Machine gun Company.--Cadet Corp. R. L. Wolf. C. CORDIES. Captain, U. S. Army, Commandant.
The Department of Military Science and Tactics desires to borrow from students for topographical work as many camera tripods as practicable; fifty are needed.
Those who are willing to loan tripods are requested to inform Captain Bowen.
Those desiring to do topographical sketching can obtain equipment by applying to the sergeant-major.
As there is a limited quantity on hand the articles will be returned within 24 hours. Captain Bowen will criticism sketches turned in to him.
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