


After a week of uncertainty, definite news regarding the position of the Officers' Training Corps in the University has been received from the War Department, and the continuation of the Corps here throughout the summer is now assured, although a regular camp similar to the 14 others in various parts of the country will not be created.

President Lowell, in a signed statement given out last night, sums up the situation as follows:

"Word has come form the War Department that it will be impossible to establish an Officers' Training Corps camp at Harvard this summer; but the University is advised to continue its program of military training, and the officers detailed here will be continued on duty as long as possible. This means that the Government feels unable to pay for subsistence or to supply additional instructors. The first of these things is the more serious because it is likely to prevent many good men from service in the corps by reason of the cost of board. Additional instructors are not necessary since the arrival of the French officers. With their aid, and the instructors already here, the Corps will enjoy better teaching than any training corps has ever had in this country, and instruction in modern warfare more perfected by recent experience than can at present be given in any camp in this country.

Men Under Age Limit Admitted.

"The training corps will be continued this summer, and the dormitories will be used for the purpose as soon as they are vacated. The present members who are not admitted to one of the Government camps will be allowed to remain, and new men, undergraduates and graduates, from this and other colleges, will be admitted. Men of 20 years and nine months of age or older who have had any considerable military training already, are advised to apply for admission to Plattsburg or the corresponding camp in their section of the country. Those who do not succeed, and all other men over 20 years old and physically fit, are strongly urged to enroll in the Harvard Corps; in the belief that, although to do so will not lead to a commission in three months, it will lay a foundation, theoretical and practical, that will fit for one in no long time thereafter."  "A. LAWRENCE LOWELL."


In addition to being a most efficient and practical training school for officers, the camp to be held here will be the only one in the country at which candidates for commissions under the age limit of 20 years and nine months will be able to train under regular army officers. Although each man will have to pay for his board, housing will be supplied by the University at a minimum charge.

Size Probably 2,000.

It has not yet been determined to what size the Corps will be increased, but it will not be greater than 2,000. Other college men of New England, barred from Plattsburg for various reasons, will be allowed to attend, and it is believed that there will be more applications than can be taken care of.

Recruiting for members of the University will continue for the first few days of this week. Enrolments may be made at Warren House daily from 9 to 6. Before going to Warren House men should sign up as members of Military Science 1 at the Recorder's Office, after which they will report at Warren House for blanks for their physical examination. Dr. Lee and his assistants will give these examinations each day in Weld 4. After being passed by the medical examiner each man may then enlist in the Corps at the office at Warren House
