"Very few people know about the character or the service performed by the Signal Corps. A country might have a very efficient and large army, but if the signal corps was neglected, the other branches would operate under an almost impossible handicap. Brigadier-General George P. Scriven has aptly termed the signal corps 'the nerve system of the army.'
"Upon the Signal Corps falls the duty of the speedy dissemination of military intelligence or information. The movement of troops, the forwarding of supplies, in fact, all orders are transmitted over the Signal lines of information. It is also a duty of the signal corps to collect military information, and in the present war, the recording of the pictorial history of war is a function of this corps. An English officer, writing to the London Times, states: 'I am very much surprised to see in the press so little mention of the splendid work of the signal companies. They are called 'the main lines of communication' and over their lines day and night pass a continuous flood of traffic for the hospital bases, ordnance remount, and in fact, every move made in this terrible war is transmitted over their lines. They deserve the highest credit for their excellent work.
"The service offers excellent opportunities to college men to obtain the practical experience needed to round out their technical training received in class. Telegraphy and radio operators will find in this branch of the service an opportunity for quick advancement to non- their arrival, and also by the showing of the Harvard battalions they have crossed the ocean to train. Major P. J. L. Azan, the ranking officer of the six men, gave out the following statement:
"We appreciate greatly the kind reception and the parade of the regiment, and are deeply touched by your magnificent welcome. Apart from the demonstration of the people of Boston, which was most gracious, I am impressed by the appearance of your young men of the Corps, and I am sure that they well make perfect soldiers."
Each of the officers has received the Croix de Guerre, and four of them are members of the Legion of Honor. The group in composed of Major P. J. L. Azan, Major J. de Reviers de Mauny, Captain A. Dupont, Captain de Jarny, Lieutenant A. Morize and Lieutenant Jean Giraudoux, who was a student at the University in 1907-08.
The exact form in which the R. O. T. C. here will be continued has not yet been announced by the War Department, but it is now certain that the work, at least for men under 20 years and nine months, will continue as usual. For the present the Corps will go on exactly as it has in the past
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