

Wide Disparity in Age.

In the record of individual ages of graduation, Dartmouth has on its list one member of the Class of 1793, who received his degree when slightly less than 15 years of age. According to the existing records this is the youngest man who has graduated from Dartmouth College. The minimum individual age of graduation at Cornell is 18 years and 11 months. At Harvard and Yale there are no available statistics kept for the individual ages of graduation, though at the former, men have been known to finish the course at a very early age. In Princeton the ages of the youngest men of the graduating classes vary between 20 and 19 years, though one member of the Class of 1916 was only 18 years old when he received his degree.

Many men graduate from Princeton when they are over 28 years of age, and five men have received bachelor degrees from the university during the last 14 years when past 30 years of age. The oldest man graduated with the Class of 1916 at the age of 35 years. Dartmouth has record of one graduate who received his degree at the age of 39, while Cornell's oldest graduate for many years was 36 years old. --Daily Princetonian
