The spring recess brings two matters of clear duty before members of the University, one for those who are already enlisted in some branch of the service, and one for those who have not yet determined what course to follow. The statement given out last night by Dean Yeomans comes as a serious reminder at an opportune time. Since severance of connections with the University means also giving up the opportunity of a reserve commission, preparation during the recess for the final examinations is a matter of patriotic duty for members of the R. O. T. C. The examinations start five days after the vacation and are to be extended over one week only. This means that while they are in progress there will be little time for reviewing. Concentration on scholastic work during vacation is difficult at best, but this spring it is an opportunity which men who expect to be officers cannot afford to neglect. Dismissal from both the University and the Reserve Corps is too high a price to pay for eight days of thoughtless indifference to work.
For the members of the University who have not yet decided which branch of the service to join, the past few weeks have been a period of trying uncertainty. In a time like the present it is hard to see olive-drab and navy blue on all sides and be contented with civilian clothes. Harvard men have been advised frequently against hasty and thoughtless enlistment, but the time for definite action by every member of the University is rapidly approaching.
The recess which starts today is the best possible chance for this decision, when every man will be able to discuss the question calmly and seriously at home, and decide what course he is to follow. Until now there has been some excuse for indecision. A week from now there will be none.
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