Captain W. S. Bowen, U. S. A., who will have charge of the course for quartermasters recently announced by the Business School, explained in a lecture last night in Emerson D the nature, scope and entrance requirements of the Quartermaster's Corps. "The prevailing conception that there is a stigma attached to the quartermaster service, that a man in the service is looked down upon, has no foundation," Captain Bowen began. "If there is a man in the army besides the commanding officers who has power it is the quartermaster." And Dean Gay, who gave a talk preceding the Captain's speech, emphasized the same point.
The main part of the address was devoted to an explanation of the regulations in the Quartermaster's Corps. It was stated that a man in the supply department has an equal opportunity for promotion, with any other man in the regular army, and if he has been capable his experience in army management will always prove of the utmost value. A differentiation was made between the two branches of the service. One of these has charge of all the base work such as the collection and organization of supplies. The other group is concerned with the work of taking supplies from the most advanced bases to the front; and there is the danger of being exposed to shell-fire in this.
Before Captain Bowen's talk, Dean Gay announced that the Business School would under no circumstances close its doors next year. He said that this was a time when men proficient in business administration were particularly needed, on account of the peculiar conditions which have developed in this country.
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